Blunder #6
Lesson learned – Study Foreign Road Signs
We decided to rent a car when we were in Bamberg, Germany so we could explore the countryside and smaller biergartens along the way. I was nervous about renting a car in a foreign country but at least in Germany they drive on the same side of the road as the US. We were driving along the beautiful skinny country roads when suddenly there were construction signs. We did not know what they meant so we continued as google maps directed us. Then…the road ended into a dirt road. There was a barricade prior, but it was on the oncoming traffic side (though likely was moved by someone in retrospect). With no place to turnaround and frankly not knowing any other route, we continued slowly on the dirt road until we passed another barricade and hit regular pavement again. I’m fairly sure it was a closed road, but thankfully no cliff drop-off or other calamities unfolded. Lesson learned – study street signs before renting cars in foreign countries.